About the Sewing Mission
We make pillowcases for local children’s hospitals, dresses for Dress A Girl Around The World, chemo port cushions and masks. The Sewing Mission is open to everyone interested in helping.
When We Meet
The sewing mission meets the fourth Tuesday of the month at 5:30pm.
Donations are greatly appreciated
We are always thankful for donations of cloth, sewing material,
and money (to help pay for shipping and materials).
For more information or to join our mission, please contact Shelley Daniels at 610-704-4500 or e-mail her at seashell246@gmail.com.
For more information or to join our mission, please contact Shelley Daniels at 610-704-4500 or e-mail her at seashell246@gmail.com.
About the Prayer Shawl Ministry
The group makes Prayer Shawls, Baptismal Blankets and Scarves. All are invited to attend this group and share our gifts.
When We Meet
Our prayer shawl ministry meets the third Wednesday of each month at 9:00 AM in the Fellowship Room.
For more information or to join our mission, for further information, please leave a message at the church office for Jen Hausman at 610-285-6157.
The prayer shawl mission is open to all who wish to participate.
About the Quilting Mission
The Quilting Mission group meets every Monday from 9:00am-12:00pm. For information, please contact Michele Quier at 484-661-6049.