Sunday School

Our Sunday School classes are on Sundays from 10:00 a.m. until 10:55 a.m.

The CE Team is looking for teachers and helpers for the Nursery, Pre-K to 2nd Grade, and 3rd through 6th grade classes. Even if you can only teach one Sunday a month, we would love to have you! Please email us at to sign up!


Our Confirmation Class meets on Sundays upstairs in the Acts Room from 10:00 a.m. to 10:55 a.m.

If you know anyone who will be starting 7th or 8th grade and would like to join the class, please email us at

Adult Sunday School Classes

Do you enjoy reading books?  Would you be interested in talking about them with others?  Well, Pastor Larry has chosen the next book to read and discuss.  The name of the book is “Caste: The Origins of our Discontents” and is written by Isabel Wilkerson. While Wilkerson says some people say that it discusses race issues, she says it is more about “caste” issues, which occur world-wide.  The Study will be held between the two services.  If reading isn’t your thing – there is a movie that came out in 2023 that is based on the book.  It is called “Origin.”  You can see it on the following streaming services: Hulu, YouTube, Google Play, Apple TV, Fandango, and Amazon Prime.  Should you have ANY questions, please feel free to contact me. 

I look forward to seeing you!  Casi Gross – 610-533-3671-         

Bear creek Camp

Bear Creek has summer session held at various times over summer.
Check for dates and registration!

Teachers and Helpers Wanted!

Christian Education is looking for teachers and helpers for the nursery, Pre-K-2nd grade, and 3rd to 6th grade classes. They are also seeking volunteers to serve as confirmation mentors. Contact us at to sign up. 

Christian Education meetings

Christian Education meetings are held on the third Monday of the month at 6:30 p.m. via Zoom. If you are interested in the Christian Education of our members, please consider attending. Contact us at for the Zoom link, more details, or if you have any questions regarding Christian Education.

Check us out on Facebook!

Youth Groups

The Christian Education Team is looking for leaders for our Junior and Senior Youth Groups! If you would like to plan events, encourage youth participation, and have a positive impact on the young members of our congregations, please contact us at

Upcoming CE Events

Stay tuned for more events!

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Information regarding event.